domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008

ScHoOLs in color in AMSTERDAm!

One of the easiest ways to make a boring space more vibrant is to use color. However, as so many of us can remember, obvious opportunities to do this have been missed for decades in schools, universities and hundreds of other places where young people are more or less stuck for long periods. Luckily, today’s kids have better luck — at least in the schools where Amsterdam’s i29 has had its say.

i29 Interior Architects consists of two interior designers — Jaspar Jansen and Jeroen Dellensen — and is known for clear, bold solutions. A good example of this is their custom furniture project for a Het Veer. It is a public school in Almere, a city located 25 kilometers east of Amsterdam and often referred to as the most modern city in Europe. Het Veer is a school for children with learning and concentration difficulties and the objective of i29’s work was to express and entice concentration, playfulness and movement. Their eight different white and red tube furniture pieces can be mixed and matched creating various formations. They play off the Buzz Wire science game that teaches about electric circuits and is based on concentration and hand coordination.

At the Caland Lyseum in Amsterdam, 1,500 students work in a sport-centric environment where they receive coaching for their specific sport and in academic topics. i29 was asked to envision  the public spaces — including the main hall, staff room, library and computer/media room — for the new Bos & Partners architects-designed building with its gray brick, glass walls and unusual floor plans. They used large images of the school’s famous sports hero alumni and then custom-created multi-functional tables, benches and signage, plus a color scheme for the common areas. The award-winning solution matches the dynamic and multicultural life of the school yet lets the buildings features dominate. - Tuija Seipell

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

YoshiTOMO`s pop ART!!!

talentoso y grandioso, son las dos palabras k describirian a este buen artista pop!!! influenciado por los graficos manga y del movimiento musical del punk rock, que en japon fue muy fuerte durante la juventud de NARA, llego a formarse como artista creando un estilo nuevo y fantasticoo!

Aqui tienen una little(-tc) muestra de sus pinturas, a ver que tal les parece!!!! jejeje

talented and magnificent, these are the two words that would discribe this great pop artist!!! Nara's stylized are influenced by manga grafics and the punk rock movement, that was very strong in japan during NARA`s youth, he became an artist creating his own new fantastic style!!

here u have a little(-tc) sample of his painting, so tell me if u like him!!! jojojo

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

THE FIJIS!!! what else???

Sin duda alguna el paraiso del mundo.. no por nada los viejos piratas viajaban directamente ahi cuando dejaban atracar y esas cosas!!!! esto si es la buena mierda del mundoo!! playas increibles.. sol todo el año!! hoteles de lujo....... y claroo islas para ti soloo! digo eso porque FIJI consta de 9 islas y mas de 900 islotes... eso serian como islas chiquillas pues.....
que mas kieren muchachos directos para alla!!!! yo lo haria si tuviera algo mas de suerte.. sin duda!!

No doubt that this is worlds paradise... thats why the old pirates traveled directlty there when they give up muging and that kind of stuff!!!! these realy realy is world´s first class SHIT!! incredible beaches.... sun all year long!!! luxury hotels........ and of couse islands just for u!!! i say that becouse FIJI it´s made of 9 islands and more than 900 isles .........that more less a teeny islands....... what else u want dudes...go directly there!!! i wuold if i had a little more luck... NO doubt!!!


Nike`s rosa FASHION LINE

Quien dijo que en el futbol iba ligado a la moda..y al rosa???? años anteriores ya han demostrado que mas de un jugador , como el gran KAKÁ o en sus tiempos DEL PIERO, han sido grande modelos de las mejores pasarelas... y ahora es nike el que nos sorprende utilizando sus colores radicales de nikeID sumado a la tecnologia de las ligeras mercurial... y el resultado es las nuevas NIKE VAPOR IV ROSA... todos quieren ser parte del famoso mundo de rosa!! pero solo pocos lo consiguen .. pffffffffffffiuuuuuuuu!!!
el aununcio es bastate chiso tambien!!

bienvenidos a nuestro mundo de rosa!!!!!!
asi k velo ya en :
y estaras dentro hommes!

Who said that futball wasn´t realted with fashion..and to rosa colour???? years before some players have allready demostrated, like the great KAKÁ or DEL PIERO in his time, they has been graet models in the best catwalks.... and now nike, again, has us totally amazed by using their radicals colours of nikeID , plus the tecnology of the lightly mercurial.... and the result us tyhe new NIKE VAPOR IV ROSA... pfffffffffffiuuuuuuuu!!!!!
the comercial is preatty cool ,too.

welcome to our rosa world
so go and watch it in:
and u´ll be in hommee!

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

VeCiiiiii tHe winNeR!!!

1 CoNcUrSo dE MiSS eStILiSmO de fashionisima! voteu a ( just vote for her here)

Veciiiii a Eivissa

Veciss cap d'Any 06'07 ELIXIR TGN
Us presento a la meva "Vecii" preferida que... un dia va enviar unes fotos com aquell que no vol la cosa i va resultar quedar entre les 4 finalistes... wojojo i ja posats.. doncs es pot guanyar, no?¿ Per això us animo a tots que voteu des de tots els ordinadors possibles, ja que només val 1 vot x ordinador.
I dir que estic super orgullosa d'ella i més que pugui guanyar por su NATURALIDAD.. que hauria d'anar sempre pel davant...
Auuu.. voteu!
T'estimo molt veciiii

Os presento a mi "Vecii" favorita que.. un dí manó unas fotos como aquel que no quiere la cosa i resultó quedar entre las 4 finalistas... wojojo y ya puestos... se puede ganar, no?¿ Por eso os animo a todos que votéis desde todos los ordenadores posibles, ya que solo vale 1 voto x cada uno.
Y decir que estoy super orgullosa de ella i más que pueda ganar por su NATURALIDAD.. que tendría que ir siempre por delante...
Venga... votad!
Te quiero mucho veciii

i introduce to you my favorite "vecii"... one day she sent some photos, like she didn´t wanted it but at the end she did and she got between the 4 finalist.... wojojojo and a now.. of corse she can win , or?? thts why i inspire u to vote for her in all the possibles computers, becouse you only may vote onces per computer!
i just wanna say that i´m verty proud of my "veci" and even more becouse of her NATURALITY.. that has to be there first at the end..

love u so much veciii